// Mascot Race

Bring your Mascot Race to life on game day.

Add a new fun twist to your in-game mascot race with our engagement-driven digital Mascot Race activation.

It's the easiest way to add new sponsorship inventory to your game day.

Score Your Free Demo

We take the Mascot Race your fans love and pull them further into the experience.

There's nothing like a mascot race at a sports game. The crowd roar echoes through the stadium as the characters cross the finish line...almost as if your team hit a home run or nailed a last-second shot.

We help you breathe new life into the experience with our digital race activation. Through our activation fans can now pick their favorite character right on their phone. If correct, they'll win a prize sent right to their email.

Our activation helps make your mascot race more interactive, more exciting, and adds new sponsor inventory to your game day.

Tap into your fan's emotions and drive higher engagement with your in-stadium races.

SQWAD's Mascot Race is a fun and entertaining way for fans to participate in your in-stadium mascot races and get some skin in the game from their seats.

Fans simply pick their favorite mascot right on their phone and if it crosses the finish line first, they win team or sponsor prizes!

Quick, fun, and easy for all ages.

Easily integrate the experience into your game day.

We make it easy to add a new experience to your game day.

Simply add a QR code to your scoreboard and let fans scan it before the race action happens.

From there, watch as fans cheer louder than ever for their character to win.

Send thousands of custom sponsor offers with no hassle.

SQWAD's Mascot Race gives your sponsors the ability to send thousands of offers and coupons right to your fans via email.

Easily add coupon codes and messaging to create exciting in-store redemption opportunities that drive sales and revenue for your corporate partners.


open rate on the sponsor offer emails sent through our platform.

Instantly add new, engagement-driven sponsorship inventory to your game day.

When you add our activation to your mascot race experience you open new and exciting inventory that sponsors crave. Pull in new sponsorship revenue by leveraging the love your fans have for each race character.

Grab your free demo.

Get in touch and we'll show you the platform, answer any questions, and even send you home with some custom video demos you can check out!